Strengthening Community Health Through Nurse-Led Care
Strengthening Community Health
The National Nurse-Led Care Consortium, a PHMC affiliate, is a nonprofit public health organization working to strengthen community health through nurse-led care in the Greater Philadelphia region. NNCC annually serves about 800 families through its two evidence-based nurse home visiting programs, the Philadelphia Nurse-Family Partnership and the Mabel Morris Family Home Visit Program. In collaboration with PHMC and NNCC, we produced a branded video series to reach new audiences and prospective nurses. We created four standard web/presentation videos and a six-part social media campaign to accomplish this. At NNCC, the fellowship of the team and their roots in advocacy work throughout Philadelphia communities make this organization successful. Creatively, we wanted to reach beyond simply sharing information about the organization. Strategically, we needed to include the intimate bond between NNCC staff and participating families.
Before filming, we scheduled discovery calls with all participating NNCC staff, ensuring we would capture the true essence of the organization. The first video asset we produced was for web/presentation purposes, a 5-minute feature that included interviews with five essential leaders and three home-visiting nurses. Over three production days, we filmed all eight interviews. We drafted the questions, performed the interviews, and designed the set while carefully considering the organization's brand guidelines. The result was a clinical yet relaxed mood. Our questions strategically reflected the organization's mission. We covered details about the NNCC program, policy outcomes, and community impact. In addition to the master asset, the three nurse home visiting web deliverables captured the impact on participating families. Each video, about 2 minutes long, follows the day in the life of a home visiting nurse personalized to them. We spent a half day filming each nurse at a patient's home or visit location. Filming nurse visits was an essential storyline of the project. It was necessary to feature the nurses doing the groundwork in their communities to showcase the programs.

The social media campaign used the three nurse home visiting videos and three additional reels (excerpts from the master video). Each branded video, no longer than 2 minutes, relates to the organization's mission and appeals to recruitment efforts. We generated a calendar that considered the best post-interaction dates and times. Working directly with NNCC's communication team, posts were delivered on NNCC and PHMC's LinkedIn and Instagram accounts. The overall LinkedIn stats showed impressions went up by 45.7%, organic engagements went up by 71.5%, post clicks went up by 68.3%, and the engagement rate went up by 17.8%. Instagram had an 18.8% organic engagement rate increase and a 39.1% engagement rate increase. Overall, this branded video project successfully shared NNCC's mission with the Greater Philadelphia region and beyond. The videos show program participants the importance of participating in it for themselves and their children's future. The videos' joining of "boots on the ground" nurses and high-level leaders is engaging and educational, brightening the flame for the role of a nurse outside of the hospital.
Learn more about NNCC