Hangley Aronchick Greetings

The multifaceted law firm, Hangley Aronchick Segal Pudlin & Schiller, needed an end-of-year greeting to engage with their network.

Learn more about Hangley Aronchick

Our long-time partner, Maven Communications, referred us to Hangley to produce this video. Our challenge was to represent the entire workforce of Hangley in a video that was three minutes at maximum. To do this, we devised a strategy to interview on-site and set up a studio environment using brand-colored backdrops. Hangley's colors are blue and orange, so along with the backdrop design, we created a simple wardrobe so there would be no color clashing.

"The firm has a belief in excellence that's a standout, and we also don't take ourselves too seriously."

For the interviews, we strategically produced questions that would generate quick responses. It was all shot with a two-camera set-up. We introduced the idea of designing a grid, knowing that all participants would not make the final cut. Hangley's brand manager and graphic designer, a principal designer at Penn University, worked with us on concept and brand efforts.

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